Aunt Fancy,
Your story is very similar to mine. My husband was a born-in and I was a convert and we left the organization together. He also served as an elder for many years as well as volunteering on the Regional Building Committee and various local remodeling projects. I see we are about the same age; my husband is 58 and I will be turning 60 next week.
At the beginning of our fade my husband read "Crisis of Conscience" with the idea of finding something wrong. When he finished he said he could identify with everything Ray wrote.
Do you have any children or grandchildren? We have two married boys whom we raised in the cult. We are in the process of a slow fade until their families are completely out.
When you realize that the WT is a multi-billion dollar publishing company you begin to understand why field service is put above everything else. We, too, experienced the lack of love when the man we were taking care of (a brother, by the way) died the week there was a district convention. The response from the "friends"? "Sorry, we are getting ready to go to the convention." Lucky for us my nonJW cousin and her husband came and sat with us and brought us dinners and gave us the support sorely lacking in the cult.
Best wishes on your recovery from cancer and from the cancerous cult.
Reopened Mind